The main production facilities for the cultivation of Kampot pepper are located in separate areas of Kampot province and the included Kep province. Our plantation is also located here and is a member of COrAA and KPPA associations.

This project is a unique story: today we are participating in the revival of the best pepper in the world, the traditions of which have been preserved thanks to generations of local farmers, because Kampot pepper is a local attraction and a special pride.

We grow peppers in the traditional way, we use only organic fertilizers. From planting the first seedling to obtaining the finished product, we look after pepper trees, collect and dry pepper in the classical way, working closely with local farmers.


The source of all types of Campotian pepper is a tropical pepper vine (Piper nigrum) of the pepper family.
Depending on the degree of maturity and processing methods, different types of pepper are obtained: from green to white.
We choose quality and safety and guarantee the authenticity
of the Kampot pepper from FARMEX.
To maintain the quality of our products, we use vacuum packaging, thanks to which pepper on your table will be as fresh as fresh from a plantation.

Pepper in Cambodia has a long history: the cultivation of Campotian pepper has been reliably known since the 13th century, when the Chinese researcher Cheu Ta Kouan described the production of pepper.
French colonists immediately appreciated the special taste of Campotian pepper and from the end of the 19th century began to actively develop pepper production in the south of Cambodia.
In the 50s of the last century, production was at its peak - up to 8 thousand tons per year.
For comparison, today the production of Campotian pepper is only 100 tons per year.
In 1975, the Khmer Rouge regime came to power in Cambodia. All lands were nationalized, pepper plantations destroyed. Until 1998, the country lived in a civil war, pepper production almost ceased.
Elections in 1998 brought the country relative stability, a gradual restoration of farms began. Over the past 20 years, the amount of pepper grown was insignificant, almost the entire crop was sold in Europe, especially in France.
Today, thanks to private investment, the production of Kampot pepper is gradually reviving. Foreign companies, including Farmex, are investing in local farmers and creating new plantations.
We invite you to visit FARMEX Plantation in Cambodia
You will be able to see with your own eyes the process of growing Campotian pepper, taste and purchase our products.
Chamkarbei Village, Pongteuk commune, Damnakchang aeur district, Kep Province, KINGDOM OF CAMBODIA